Smart Keyboard for iPad and iPad Air

Smart Keyboard for iPad and iPad Air
Use these demos to show customers key features of the Smart Keyboard for iPad (7th generation) and iPad Air (3rd generation). Then invite customers to try for themselves.


Use the Smart Keyboard without any setup
  • Detach and reattach the Smart Keyboard to iPad to show how easy it is to connect them.
  • Show how to fold the Smart Keyboard into a thin and light Smart Cover. 
  • Point out the Smart Connector and explain that customers can use the Smart Keyboard right away—no need to pair or charge it.


Type and access shortcuts without opening menus
  • Open Notes and type a sentence. Point out how fast and accurate typing is on the keyboard.
  • Hold the Command key and point out the keyboard shortcut suggestions.
  • Hold Command and press Tab, then point out the App Switcher. Use the arrow keys to move through the apps.
  • Hold Command, press the Space bar, and explain how to quickly search with Spotlight.

Safari keyboard shortcuts.

  • At the Home screen, press Command-Space bar and explain that this opens Search, which can search through the content on your iPad and apps. Type “Safari” and press Enter.
  • Highlight that iPadOS introduced desktop-class web browsing to iPad.
  • Press the Space bar to scroll down the page and Shift-Space bar to scroll up.
  • Press Command-Up Arrow-N to open a new private tab and navigate to a page. Show customers that they can cycle through tabs with Command-Up Arrow-Right Bracket.
  • Press Command-W to close tabs until you’re back at your original tab.
